Environmental Consulting Project Portfolio
City of Philadelphia, Department of Public Property – Environmental Consultant Services
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Date of Service: 2005 to 2013
- Services Performed: Broad Range of Environmental, Asbestos and Hazardous Material Consulting Services
Oxford Engineering Company is currently under contract with the City of Philadelphia, Department of Public Property for Environmental Consultant Services related to environmental regulatory compliance at citywide facilities and maintenance and regulatory compliance of underground storage tanks at citywide facilities. The contracted professional services are provided to the City’s Department of Public Property and include a broad scope of environmental consulting and traditional engineering including but not limited to: UST closure oversight and reporting; design of related remediation work; UST and AST system compliance inspections and testing; Phase 1 and Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessments; Site Characterization Studies; Historical Records Review; Act 2 Release of Liability; Site Specific Cleanup Standards; Exposure Pathway Evaluation; Air Emissions Permitting; Asbestos and Hazardous Materials Surveys and Abatement Design; and Soil, Water and Materials Testing.
City of Philadelphia, Police Site 013 – Site Characterization
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Date of Service: 2009 to 2013
- Services Performed: UST Removal Oversight, Site Characterization and PADEP Act 2 Site Remediation
The Police Site 013, Site Characterization project is currently being conducted by Oxford Engineering Company under the City of Philadelphia, Environmental Consultant Services contract. This site is utilized as a parking area and refueling site for the Police vehicles associated with the Philadelphia Police 26th District. As part of a city wide Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), more that twenty-five storage tank systems in the City of Philadelphia were upgraded. As part of the upgrade process, an on-site 10,000 gallon capacity gasoline underground storage tank system was identified as having a potential release in 2009. As a result, the PADEP required appropriate corrective action for the facility as regulated under Title 25, Chapter 245, subchapter D.
Oxford prepared and submitted USTIF claim documentation for this site on behalf of The City of Philadelphia. Oxford interfaced with USTIF for the claim submittals and was successful in securing partial reimbursement for the Site Characterization and Remediation. Oxford initiated the site characterization program in the fall of 2012. The site characterization program included advancement of soil borings with a conventional drill rig, screening and collection of soil samples for laboratory analyses. Groundwater monitoring wells were installed at locations that appropriately characterized the potential release. A vapor intrusion investigation was conducted through soil gas sampling and no vapor intrusion risks were identified. Quarterly groundwater monitoring, site characterization activities and reporting are continuing at this site.
City of Philadelphia, Fire Site 013 – UST Removal Oversite & Site Characterization
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Date of Service: 2010 to 2013
- Services Performed: UST Removal Oversight, Site Characterization and PADEP Act 2 Site Remediation
The Fire Station 112, Site Characterization project is currently being conducted by Oxford under the City of Philadelphia, Environmental Consultant Services contract. The site is presently occupied by an active fire station (Station 112). As part of a citywide Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), more that twenty-five storage tank systems in the City of Philadelphia were upgraded. As part of the upgrade process, two underground storage tanks were identified and removed at the subject property. Initially, only one 550 gallon diesel fuel UST was believed to exist at the site. However, upon the removal process, a second 2000 gallon gasoline UST was found below the first tank. Soil samples collected by Oxford as part of the UST closure revealed regulated compounds exceeding the Act 2 statewide health standard. Based on this exceedance, further site characterization was required.
Oxford initiated a site characterization program in the winter of 2013. The site characterization program included advancement of soil borings with a geoprobe unit, collection screening and collection of soil samples for laboratory analyses. Groundwater was not encountered at the terminating depth(s) of the soil borings. Three (3) groundwater monitoring wells were installed at locations that appropriately characterized the potential release. Quarterly groundwater samples were collected from each well for laboratory analyses. Quarterly groundwater monitoring, site characterization activities and reporting are continuing at this date.
City of Philadelphia, Police Academy – UST Removal Oversight
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Date of Service: 2012
- Services Performed: GPR Survey, UST Removal Oversight, Site Characterization and PADEP Reporting
The PoliceAcademy, UST Removal Oversight and Site Characterization project was conducted by Oxford Engineering Company in the summer of 2012 under the City of Philadelphia, Department of Public Property, Environmental Consultant Services contract. Oxford conducted an electromagnetic (EM) metal detection, conductivity and ground-penetrating radar (GPR) survey at the site in order to locate three (3) previously closed in place gasoline underground storage tanks (USTs) in close proximity to planned new construction at the site. Construction activities at the PoliceAcademy site required the access and removal of the three (3) previously closed in place USTs. The USTs were uncovered and found to have been filled with cement slurry during the closure process. During the UST removal activities the tanks were observed to be in deteriorated condition and localized petroleum impact to the soils adjacent to the tanks was evident. Groundwater was encountered in the base of the tank excavation and was also suspected to have been impacted. Oxford performed oversight of the UST and impacted soil/groundwater removal activities and collected confirmatory/characterization soil and groundwater samples to document the then current site conditions.
Oxford conducted a subgrade soil and groundwater investigation of the UST excavation in order to screen and collect regulatory compliant confirmatory soil and groundwater samples from the perimeter of the UST excavation. Geo-probe soil probes were advanced at the perimeter of the former UST excavation to evaluate soil conditions at the former excavation sidewalls. Temporary slotted PVC well points were established at two (2) of the probe locations. Grab groundwater samples were collected from each well and laboratory analysis revealed no exceedance of the PADEP Closure Site Water Standard/Action Levels for any of the target compounds analyzed. OEC prepared and submitted the required UST Closure Report, UST Registration Forms and Amended UST Registration Forms to PADEP on behalf of the City of Philadelphia.
City of Philadelphia, Pleasant Playground – UST Removal Oversight
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Date of Service: 2012 to 2013
- Services Performed: GPR Survey, UST Removal Oversight, Site Characterization and PADEP Reporting
The Pleasant Playground, UST Removal Oversight and Site Characterization project was recently conducted by Oxford Engineering Company in 2012 under the City of Philadelphia, Department of Public Property, Environmental Consultant Services contract. During site grading and excavation activities for the construction of a new community center at the Pleasant Playground site, the general contractor encountered a previously unknown steel underground storage tank (UST). The tank was determined to have previously contained gasoline. Oxford conducted an electromagnetic (EM) metal detection, conductivity and ground-penetrating radar (GPR) survey at the site and the survey revealed four (4) additional steel tanks at approximately 1 to 3 feet below grade.
Oxford performed oversight of the UST systems removal activities and collected confirmatory/characterization soil samples to document the then current site conditions. Visual inspections revealed no evidence of holes in any of the steel tanks and no obvious contamination was observed in any of the tank excavations. Confirmatory soil samples were collected from beneath each tank and at the presumed locations of the former fill connection and the former product delivery line connection of each tank. Laboratory analytical results showed that there were no exceedances of the PADEP Closure Site Unsaturated Soil Standard Residential Action Levels for any of the target compounds analyzed. OEC prepared and submitted the required UST Closure Report, UST Registration Forms and Amended UST Registration Forms to PADEP on behalf of the City of Philadelphia.
City of Philadelphia, FDR Park Heating Oil UST – Site Remediation
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Date of Service: 2005 to 2012
- Services Performed: UST Removal Oversight, Site Characterization and PADEP Act 2 Site Remediation and Reporting
Oxford recently completed the site characterization, remedial design and negotiation with PADEP to obtain PADEP Act 2 liability protection for the City of Philadelphia, FDRPark, Heating Oil UST removal site. In the spring of 2005, it was determined that a 1,000 gallon capacity UST used to store #2 heating oil had leaked resulting in localized soil and groundwater contamination at the FDR Park Recreation Maintenance Building. The fuel oil tank system and the associated contaminated soils were removed from the site. Confirmation sampling indicated that the full extent of the soil contamination proximate to the underground tank had been removed.
Based on the monitoring well network installed as part of the preliminary site characterization, it was determined that a small plume of dissolved phase and separate phase liquid (SPL) had migrated to the southwest of the former UST location. However, the extent of the plume was limited and based on eight (8) quarters of groundwater sampling and passive free product recovery, it was determined that the plume had not impacted a near by surface water body. It was determined that the site-specific remedial standards were the most applicable standards for the existing site conditions. To meet these standards Oxford instituted a scope of additional site characterization and prepared a formal site characterization document submitted to PADEP in March 2011 in accordance with the requirements set forth in the PADEP storage tank regulations (Act 32) and the Land Recycling Program (Act 2). In July 2011, the City of Philadelphia received PADEP confirmation that the site groundwater had been remediated to the nonresidential Statewide Health Standard and site soils had been remediated to a nonresidential Site-Specific Standard and attainment of Act 2 liability protection. In July 2012 the site monitoring wells were properly closed in accordance with PADEP requirements.
City of Philadelphia – Fuel Site Environmental Consultant Services
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Date of Service: 2004 to 2012
- Services Performed: Engineering Design, Environmental Consulting, Permitting, and Maintenance
- Station Type: Multiple Stations, Fleet, Gas and Diesel, Aboveground and Underground Storage
- Station Size: Various
OEC is currently under contract with the City of Philadelphia (COP) for Fuel Site Environmental Consultant Services. OEC competitively won this four year term service contract in 2004 and 2008. The contracted professional services are provided to the COP Office of Fleet Management and include a broad scope of practice including both environmental and traditional engineering. The contracted Scope of Services provided to the COP included the following (nine) tasks:
- Review the existing tank inventory information prepared by the City of Philadelphia and current or previous consultants.
- Review the current compliance program information, i.e. tank and line testing results, facility inspection documentation, Stage II testing results, etc.
- Determine the current compliance status of each fuel site facility, based on the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) regulations and the Philadelphia Fire Code.
- Compile or update current spreadsheet or database that summarizes the tank population at each facility, compliance requirements, and compliance status.
- Develop or update a compliance implementation schedule and schedule the required compliance activities.
- Update the Compliance Schedule as the compliance activities are completed.
- Prepare Specifications and Drawings for planned tank system repairs, upgrades, removals, and replacements. Prepare reports that document the work and submit to PADEP and COP License & Inspections department.
- Respond to reported releases, prepare notifications to PADEP, manage investigation, and coordinate response actions. Interface with PADEP as COP representative as per COP direction.
- Prepare and submit Underground Storage Tank Indemnification Fund (USTIF) claim documentation. Interface with USTIF for all claim submittals and reimbursement to City.
In many cases OEC has provided additional consulting services to the COP associated with the environmental compliance, maintenance, and daily operation of their fuel sites. Because of our knowledge and experience with fueling systems we have become an essential part of their daily fuel site operation.
Transportation and Safety Building
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
- Date of Service: 1997 to 1998
- Services Performed: Asbestos Abatement and Site Characterization
Oxford Engineering Company served on a team of specialized sub-consultants that conducted site inspections and developed detailed project plans and specifications for the removal of asbestos containing materials (ACM), lead-based paint, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB), dioxins, mercury containing components, a diesel fuel underground storage tank (UST) system, and an acid dilution tank system. The abatement project was performed to facilitate the implosion demolition of the 15-level Transportation and Safety building located at the Capital Complex in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Unique components of the abatement design included, PCB containing asbestos fireproofing removal and abatement of PCB/dioxin contamination resulting from a fire within the building.
Madison Square Garden Center, Inc.
New York, New York
- Services Performed: Asbestos Abatement
Oxford Engineering Company developed project plans and specifications for the identification and removal of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) at the 610,000-square-foot Madison Square Garden sports arena complex in New York City. Scope of work involved the identification of ACM, development of detailed, site-specific plans and specification, and continuous quality assurance air monitoring during the abatement activities. Specifications were developed to facilitate major renovations to the facility, and the design required all abatement to be performed while the facility remained functional and open to the public. This was a multi-phased project using multiple contractors for a total abatement cost exceeding $30 million.
Federated Department Stores, Inc.
Cincinnati, Ohio
- Services Performed: Asbestos Abatement Design and Abatement Management
Oxford Engineering Company developed project plans specifications for the removal and repair of damaged and friable asbestos-containing materials in 23 Abraham and Straus, and Sterns department stores. Responsibilities included development of bid and contractual requirements, technical specification, bidding services, and coordination of all abatement contractors’ activities to limit the impact on the functioning retail facilities. Also managed quality assurance and air monitoring of asbestos removal activities.
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